adelgaza y consigue el cuerpo que has estado soñando.

Exploraremos varias estrategias para abordar los desafíos que enfrentamos al lograr la pérdida de grasa.

Desarrollar músculos es un viaje y las herramientas adecuadas pueden marcar la diferencia

Descubra el poder de la EMS para aliviar el dolor de espalda y mejorar la fuerza muscular

Energía revitalizada y bienestar holístico:

Experimente los efectos rejuvenecedores de la tecnología de frecuencia EMS/EMA de VB, diseñada para aumentar la vitalidad y promover el bienestar general. Nuestro método científicamente probado emplea estimulación modulada por frecuencia de los músculos y el sistema nervioso, fomentando la vitalidad celular y optimizando la circulación sanguínea. Siéntase lleno de energía durante todo el día y disfrute de una mayor sensación de bienestar.

Mejora el tono y la definición muscular

Permita a sus clientes lograr un físico más firme y esculpido a través de la avanzada tecnología EMS/EMA incorporada en nuestros productos.

Experimente resultados rápidos y tangibles que puede ofrecer con confianza a su clientela.

Manejo eficaz de la grasa y la celulitis

Experimente reducciones notables de grasa y celulitis con nuestros Powervests, especialmente diseñados para acelerar el metabolismo de la grasa mientras se enfocan en las áreas propensas a la celulitis. Logre una textura de piel más suave y disminuya la apariencia de hoyuelos en los muslos, las nalgas y el abdomen.

Maximizar la efectividad del tiempo

Diga adiós a la excusa de "no tengo tiempo". Nuestras sesiones de capacitación EMS/EMA requieren solo 20 minutos, lo que ofrece una eficiencia y conveniencia incomparables para personas ocupadas. Con VB Personal, acceda a sesiones virtuales desde cualquier lugar, lo que garantiza flexibilidad sin compromisos.


Activating over 300 muscles at once, you'll experience a profound awareness of muscles in places you never knew existed. As endorphins flood your system, you'll feel the exhilarating start of your transformational journey towards a better, stronger you.


As you progress, visible signs of transformation become evident. Your muscles become firmer, enhancing your overall muscle tone. You'll notice an improvement in your posture, standing taller and more confidently. These changes will motivate you to keep going, even when you feel like stopping, knowing your efforts are paying off.


People will start noticing your improvements and ask what you've been doing. With our lifestyle advice complementing your efforts, your goals are crystal clear, and you're filled with confidence that you'll achieve them.

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Horas capacitadas el año pasado


Clientes satisfechos de VisionBody


Sesiones de 20 min



Somos pioneros en la creación del primer traje EMS inalámbrico del mundo y mantenemos nuestra posición como líderes de la industria. Innovación en EMS. Mientras que otros han intentado innumerables veces replicar nuestra tecnología y prometieron resultados comparables, otros sistemas EMS no alcanzan la comodidad, la calidad y el umbral de resultados que hemos logrado.




EMS-Bajo y EMS-Medio

Traje seco. Se requiere menos humedad.

Un concepto innovador sin cables

Ultraligero e inalámbrico, sin cables externos

Ver más Redefiniendo


La venta finaliza una vez que el temporizador llega a cero.


Haz tu pedido cuando quieras. ¡Omítelo o pausalo cuando quieras! ¡No te lo pierdas! Esta oferta especial vence pronto.

Pago seguro

Envío gratis

Garantía de devolución de dinero

la tecnología ems se ha visto en


aumento de fuerza


aumento de la eficiencia respiratoria


reclutamiento de fibras musculares

(frente al 40% en el ejercicio estándar)


aumento de velocidad y explosividad.


mejora de la relación cintura-cadera

14 veces

disminución del colesterol total

en comparación con el ejercicio estándar *estudio de la clínica mayo de 2022:   el impacto del entrenamiento con ems de cuerpo entero nct04288154 pdf aprender más... ...

benefits of ems training
how it works
have questions? we have answers!

ems training for body toning

Experience the unparalleled benefits of VisionBody EMS training, uniquely designed to target muscle groups independently. By delivering impulses directly to targeted muscles, bypassing joints entirely, this innovative approach offers transformative results. Not only does it strengthen muscles effectively, but it also revolutionizes calorie utilization, making it a powerful tool for reducing body circumferences and subcutaneous fat deposits.


Utilizing Electro Muscle Stimulation, EMS training triggers muscle contractions that are 18 times stronger and more efficient than conventional workouts. With all muscles engaged simultaneously, just 20 minutes of effortless training yield remarkable outcomes. Electrodes strategically placed on key muscle groups ensure precise impulse delivery, maximizing effectiveness.


Embark on your journey to a toned body with VisonBody EMS training. Sculpt beautifully toned triceps, achieve a flat stomach, firm thighs, a lifted bottom, and a toned chest and upper body. It's simple, effective, and foolproof. You can't go wrong with WB VisionBody EMS training.

ems training for weight loss

VisionBody Whole Body EMS training offers an effective solution for sustainable weight loss and fat burning. Simply eating healthily isn't sufficient—you need consistent, targeted training to tackle stubborn fat areas. With VisionBody EMS training, you can focus on specific trouble spots such as your stomach, waist, hips, and thighs. This enables a continuous reduction in weight and body fat by building lean muscle mass.


During WB VisionBody EMS training, your metabolism remains highly active, leading to increased calorie burn even hours after the session. Over time, this leads to a higher basal metabolic rate through muscle gain. Coupled with a balanced diet, this approach ensures steady and sustainable weight loss. Women who train with VisonBody EMS have reported noticeable reductions in problem areas like the waist, hips, and thighs, along with toning in the chest and arms.


VisionBody WB EMS training offers a healthier, more cost-effective, and significantly more efficient alternative to traditional fitness methods. Experience it for yourself and witness the transformative power of this cutting-edge fitness regimen, imported from Europe/Germany. Don't just dream of the perfect body—achieve it effortlessly, in minimal time, and just steps away from your home in Chicago.

Learn More Fat Lose

ems training for fitness

WB EMS training is backed by science to deliver rapid, sustainable results that kickstart your fitness journey from day one. Through electrical impulses, every muscle group in your body is engaged, ensuring a comprehensive workout.


EMS VisionBody trainers will customize a program to elevate your fitness levels, leaving you feeling quicker, stronger, and more energized after just a few sessions. Muscular strength is fundamental for enhancing individual performance.


Achieving peak performance requires robust muscular stability, which can be challenging to target with conventional methods. This is where VisionBody EMS excels—by simultaneously activating the entire musculature, allowing for highly efficient training in minimal time.

explore ems training for post pregnancy fitness

After giving birth, muscle volume and strength typically decrease, and the connective tissue may become overstretched. VisionBody EMS offers optimal support for gently rebuilding specific muscles or muscle groups post-pregnancy.


Studies conducted by the University of Bayreuth have demonstrated that 75% of participants experienced good to very good results with pelvic floor exercises during whole-body EMS training. This is because electrical impulses during training strengthen the pelvic floor, primarily by stimulating the adductors and nerves that supply the pelvic floor muscles.


This stimulation occurs in the area of the abdominal and uterine electrodes. Therefore, the primary benefit of VisionBody EMS training is its ability to strengthen these muscles, potentially preventing incontinence after just a few sessions, particularly crucial after pregnancy and in later life. Learn more see blog, How Ems Can Help Rebuild And Strengthen The Pelvic Floor After Pregnancy........

explore ems training for back pain.

Back pain is increasingly prevalent today, often stemming from factors like sedentary lifestyles, prolonged sitting, obesity, stress, or strain. Understanding the underlying causes of back pain is crucial—the muscles and ligaments in your back support the bones of your spinal column.


In EMS training, specialized functional clothing with electrodes is worn, delivering electrical impulses throughout the body. Electrodes are strategically placed on the EMS vest to target the lower back directly, stimulating the muscles in that area.


Unlike traditional fitness equipment, which typically targets larger muscle groups, EMS training offers a more targeted approach for alleviating lower back pain. By strengthening the muscles in the lower back, the body becomes more stable, and posture improves. Additionally, VisionBody WB EMS training activates even the deep muscles in the back, which are often neglected in traditional strength training routines.

Learn More Body Back Pain...


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